
Thursday 14 October 2010

Medicine Buddha Moon ~ Libra Sun ☼☀☽ Capricorn Moon

As the Sun passes through Libra, the sign of the scales, finding balance and treading the middle path is our greatest challenge. Libra is an intellectual Air sign. What we now really need to work on is a well-developed mind, to stop ourselves from potentially going to damaging extremes.   

Staying calm with focused breathing helps to let go of drama and rest in our natural equanimity.

Effort is required to maintain this stability, as recent decision making has been burdened with responsibility, leaving some of us feeling like Atlas, with the weight of the world on our shoulders (and desperate for a good massage). Such tension was recently reflected in the heavens as the celestial taskmaster, Saturn, conjoined the Libran Sun, imparting the sense that any move has a direct bearing not just on the immediate future but also upon how situations will develop over the next year, as though we were about to concretise karma.  So finding that delicate Libran poise, whilst mega important, has been fraught because of the endless possibilities that a rattling mind can cleverly envisage – such vision, or course, is laudable.  While vascilating with sometimes ominous and restless thoughts during this airy period does make it more stimulating, it also feeds the unnecessary fear that makes it impossible to settle upon one definite course of action. Thankfully, the wandering planets move away from such difficult aspects: If you have not already taken one particular major task in hand, keeping one’s options open may well be the wisest course of action, at least tomorrow and Friday, the 14th/15th, when the first quarter moon sheds more light upon any obstacles to overcome before feeling quite self-satisfied a week later, with the Moon is full in Aries, on the 23rd October. 

This Medicine Buddha Moon in practical and realistic Capricorn, has an unusally easy healing quality, as it makes very pleasant connections to several important planets, connecting to Mars at home in Scorpio for insightful action, and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction provides the compassionate overview. Event’s surrounding Thursday’s first quarter Moon could also be key in triumphing over any difficult business or partnership situation too. Which brings me to THE planet in serious astrological focus right now: Venus the planet of loving partnerships, is now in her retrograde phase, going backwards for 40 days and 40 nights.  Queen of the skies, Venus, is the ruler of Libra (where the Sun currently is); and she is now passing through sexy Scorpio, encouraging us to maintain a sympathetic heart while we delve into the deepest parts of our soul, to discover an acute kind of intuitive acumen that heightens psychic ability and activates the power of transformation. Come here to read a more in depth article on this passage of Venus through Scorpio.

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