
Tuesday 24 August 2010

VIRGO ~ Cardinal Cross ~ Evolution of SPIRITUAL REALITY

Virgo ~Virgo Asc ©
2nd Solar house Saturn 
(& Mars-Venus in Libra August 2010)
5th Solar house Pluto in Capricorn
8th Solar house Jupiter/Uranus Aries 
(revisting Pisces August-Feb/Mar2011)
11th Solar house Moon in Cancer (monthly)

For the cosmic overview of the this celestial formation, click on the Cardinal Cross of the Central Spiritual Sun

With the karmic taskmaster Saturn (& Mars and Venus) in your sphere of values all you hold dear, developing a strong sense of self worth becomes mega-important. At the same time, your ruling planet Mercury is now going retrograde in your sign, so thinking about yourself and how you fit into the greater scheme of things is totally permissible. But watch out for overblown self-cherishing. Note Mercury makes only aspects to the Sun and Moon during this retrograde period; this is a revision phase of re-aligning Spirit Sun and Moon soul’s to and with pure awareness. On the 3rd September, Mercury is in inferior conjunction with the Sun, which is the same day as a Cardinal Cross, bringing the sensation of being at a crossroad once again focus. Only this time you may well be ready to make some kind of decision. That said, Mercury retrograde is also a subtle internal process (as well as a time of communication issues), this time, though, Mercury is aided by karmic Saturn, as Mercury is on the same declination at Saturn on both sides of his healing journey, retrograde and direct. Sept 12th may the time when things start going forward, but the mind of authority gets totally serious when Mercury actually conjuncts Saturn Oct 8th.

Like Saturn, Virgo, can be practical; the difference is that Virgo is also currently super-sensitive, with the ability to tune into ‘the other side’ and asses other people's feelings with alarming ease. This could make you want to retreat. This is largely due to Jupiter and Uranus awakening hidden depths in the 8th house of profound secrets, where insight, intimacy and Tantric deities reside.

Thankfully you are smart enough to see that many problems are, in fact, nothing to worry about.  As the planet of communication, Mercury, affords you wit, humour and quick thinking in any given situation -  and is actually very much at home in your sign during this transition of the Cardinal Cross  – you quickly assess any given circumstance, able to change the subject or move away if you need to. This is just what you need; because of your current hypersensitivity you could feel drained by external drama. Yet because of this current talent to lighten any encounter, you can also alleviate all kinds of stressful situations, especially within your working environment. So keep an eye on rising stress factors, even if they’re not even yours, and watch-out for a few days of monthly high tension, reminiscent of late July, every time the moon is in Cancer, and see how much more adept you are at handling tricky situations each time around.

There are delicate moves for everyone to negotiate with this Cardinal Cross: for Virgo with expansive Jupiter, and awakening Uranus in your house of intimate relations, it also squares up to powerful Pluto in your sphere of romance. This could feel like you are playing truth, dare, kiss or promise with a loved one.  The way to win hearts is to conquer the enemies of faults and delusion. Be aware how both planets are currently retrograde until February, March 2011, so single Virgo may be even dealing with a person/people from the past, possibly waking-up old doubts; similarly, the coupled-up Virgo may also be shaking out skeletons from the closet that need to be analysed with a ‘handle-with-care’ sticker.  

For all Virgos, showing love with discretion could make the time of this Cardinal Cross a bit like having a date with fate. When it comes to romance you’re actually in your power. Even better, you are learning how to sustain energy so you can alleviate stress and ameliorate any (work or heart based) situation.  The monthly activation of the Cardinal Cross will encourage you to learn how to invest authority in relationship, so you can reap rewards (early next year – around February). With Uranus in your 8th solar house, insight comes from non-analysis.  So follow hunches and note feelings which arise from the space in which you breathe  

On an even more practical and material level, being cautious with your cash flow will pay dividends. Because Saturn now sits in your zodiacal bank, money matters could be devilishly tricky. Active Mars and lavish Venus are luckily now working with responsible Saturn: this celestial message suggests you take practical matters, including finances, much more seriously than you have done for a long time.

While it might have been a sign of relief saying goodbye to Saturn in your sign, making you aware of your personal shortcomings for the past couple of years, the astral taskmaster has now shifted lock-stock-and-barrel into your sphere of finances. Expenses need a hawk-like eye. It is now mega important to find balance while you shift to a higher frequency of being.  Outward balance reflects and inner-balance.

Among the many changes going down in several areas of your life as indicated by Cardinal Cross in the solar horoscope are: financial; romantic; and accessing personal power while being confronted by powerful people or events. Hence you are going through an enormous amount of personal development that could make life mega intense – but you do not need to let tension get to you, try and keep it creative.  Give yourself time to achieve such an agenda – at least six months to a year, and if you achieve half of what you what to do, it will be very good. Luckily for you there is a marvellous link from the emotional Moon in your sphere of friends to potent Pluto when the cross is activated, which can give you a sense of the kind of deep inner-work you are currently doing, and as it T squares Saturn, you will see results.  With duty-bound Saturn in your second house of values, it is absolutely imperative that you learn to view yourself with a solid sense of self and see how all that you treasure is actually process that flows around and around, fuelling confidence and filling you up with healthy pride in all that you do. This Cross is here for you to see how a great deal of beauty surrounds you, and how that beauty is reflected from within as radiates from your own internal Spiritual Sun, which resides at your heart.

Thanks to Marianna Rydvald for her beautiful White Tara, Bill Brouard for Goddess and lizard mandala, and other unknown artists ♥_/\_ૐ

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