
Wednesday 14 April 2010

Kalachakra Peace Mind ♥ ૐ ♥ New Aries Moon 2010

Spring equinox marks the beginning of Kalachakra Calendar, and the new Aries moon begins Kalachakra month. I find this timing interesting in so many ways, as Aries in Western astrology is depicted as independent and gung-ho, a fearless warrior with a cause to fight, or a naive impulsive loner - the Tarot’s fool. Yet according to the most sacred system of Tibetan astrology, Kalachakra Astrology, now is the time to contemplate and meditate upon World peace – internal peace within each individual’s heart- mind and body, and external peace, as in no more war or suffering. The first two weeks of the lunar month - during the growing moon phase - are considered most effective to implement peaceful thoughts and activities into our daily lives.

Even in the face of negativity, such as being shouted at or hurt by others, in any confrontation we must learn to turn our minds towards peace and harmony - and still be kind to the aggressors. Thus our spiritual practice is one of patience and compassion to find peace within ourselves – especially as we can often be our own worst enemy. As the newness of life emerges all around, we might well feel that Aries impulsiveness to spring into action and conquer the real threat: our own anger and inability not to react with further antagonism when challenged.

Today's Moon at 24Aries (the 14th April) could have us believe all systems are go-go-go. But just as we buckle belts and get ready to slam pedal to the metal in a hurry to destination ‘Nirvana’, our dear cosmic trickster, Mercury, planet of communication and short journeys, heads into apparent backward motion on Sunday the 18th, urging us to proceed with caution. For three weeks (until 11th May, or 2nd June latest), ‘more haste, less speed’ is the maxim to live by. Should we push too-fast, too-soon, we may find our cosmic wheels spinning in the sand.

All need not go adrift – neither momentum, money, nor good intentions as Mercury is also healer AND messenger: In Taurus the message is to slow down, recuperate, and take our time to enjoy the scenery and fill the senses by just ‘being’, so we can calmly face what needs to be either let go altogether or revised and re-integrated (be that psychological, spiritual, mental or physical).

Good old-fashioned Taurean principles concern the sensual body and stable relations, material wealth and the earth’s natural environment. Wherever Taurus activates the individual’s horoscope, it will show the sphere which now needs to be reworked and re-thought in a realistic and practical manner. Thus the aim of Mercury retrograde in Taurus is to heal body and soul, as well as any financial rift. By creating a debt-free, risk-free framework with solid values, Taurean staying-power and productivity will provide a good yield, encouraging physically security. Still, we’d do well to scrutinise burning desires verses our basic needs; and be aware there are obstacles, such as human greed or selfishness, whilst trying to generate a slow but sure (financial) recovery and stability. So keep a beady eye out for slippery customers, especially when dealing with bricks and mortar, finances and art, or even that favourite Taurean subject: food, as there is every possibility of having to return, reconsider, or even re-sow seeds that ought to be ready by summer.

Any import of information may seem to be rationed, particularly during the first ten days of the three-week Mercury retro period; but bit-by-bit, piecing together triple checked ideas, travel plans or accounts, a way forward will become clear. Basically, if you enjoy reading the small print on food-packaging and bus time tables, you could have the time of your life.


Many Thanks, with love and credits to Anya Langmean for Amitabha painting, nasa for the lunar-rover, and unknown artists and photographer.

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