
Saturday 20 March 2010

Loving Light of the Equinox Sun ~ Spring 2010

Feeling a spring in your step? We fast approach the Vernal Solstice (in the northern hemisphere) at 17:32 GMT Saturday the 20th, and from here on the sap rises from under our feet energising renewed life into plants and bones, tired from this long hard winter. When the Sun moves into Aries, where is it exalted, we’re encouraged to shine with lifted spirits and praise the light of our innate intelligence. Aware each of us has a gift to bring to the world and, thinking long-term, as the light of the Sun increases, the Sun in Aries now marking the beginning of the zodiac, gives the go-ahead to invest energy into that talent.

The nature of the Sun is to shine upon everyone – without exception. Our Sun’s luminous rays do not discriminate who deserves its’ heat and light. Everyone equally benefits from the radiating sun. Feeling the blissful warmth of the Sun’s rays we sense tenderness, love and compassion that can be shared all around. The Sun is also in good aspect to Mars in Leo; this aspect is dynamic, healthy and playful; our goals can be reached with determination and, because Saturn is also involved in this celestial equation, cultivating helpful allies pays dividends.

At this time of equal day–equal night, yin and yang can balance within, connecting us to courage, strength and willpower, individually and collectively, to deal with an extraordinary Equinox: The Sun illuminates Saturn, Lord of karma by opposition; and squares transformational Pluto, planet of extremes. Days after the Equinox, on the 23rd, the Moon moves into Cancer; here we witness the start of ‘The Cardinal Cross’ of 2010, which dominates this year’s heavens. This rare and unusual formation suggests we need to access our own individual ‘Spiritual Sun’, and grow the radiant glow that illuminates from within - the light that loves, forgives and heals. The way we allow our personal luminosity to expand is to be willing to accept and adjust, which is not always easy. The agent of change is in the spirit of spiritual warrior, working in co-operation to co-create. Together we can conquer our first challenge: to overcome any fear and trepidation of what the current development might bring. No one ever said it was easy - but the heavens only reflect what we are capable of. Humanity is much more amazing than we often give ourselves credit for.

One of the main features of this Grand Cardinal Cross is the Saturn square to Pluto. This square is symbolic of the current spate of destructive earthquakes. Mythological Pluto (or Hades as he is also known), when he grabbed Persephone, the lord of death reached his hand up through a gaping, earth-quake like chasm to abduct the young maiden who innocently picked wild-flowers. Persephone (aka Prosperina or Kora) has a duel role, as both Spring Queen and, almost unwittingly, she is Goddess of the Underworld. So she represents our blameless naivety as well as lost innocence. Persephone’s Mother, Demeter, the Earth Mother, was distraught at her daughter’s abduction. After much mourning and searching for her violated offspring, Persephone was found in the underworld, where she had already taken a bite out of Pluto’s domain by eating pomegranate seeds (symbolic of sexual indulgence). A deal was struck, between Pluto and the Earth Mother, who had by that time ignored her crops, vegetation and people: for Persephone, i.e. light and life, returns to the overworld for half the year, which she does at spring, only to descend again for winter. So it seems rather fitting that at this Spring Equinox, a time of renewed possibilities that we have Pluto shaking Mother’s Earth’s ground again, as he is in hard aspects to earthy Saturn – ‘Old Father Time’ Saturn is also Demeter’s father – This is an old grudge match about resources, justice and fecundity.

Interestingly, Saturn rules authority, empire, and all that keeps us contained; Pluto lords over controlling big business - as well as secrets, and Pluto is now in Saturn’s sign. Playing cards close the chests may prove difficult for all those in positions of power. Yet still they try, even if secrecy breeds indignation to the notion of fairness; the Aries Sun anc Cardinal Cross will illuminate underhand dealings. Key words for this transit are “responsible relationship” challenging “obsessive ambition".

Yet everyone is feeling the pinch, even the wealthy. If it's not fincances making them take note of finite interests, it will be something else, a relationship perhaps, or legal matters. Few escape Pluto's long-term generational influence and its' call to transform.

Symbolically speaking, Earth Mother will nurture love and protect unconditionally, while we all need to reconsider the rape of the Earth’s resources. Holding accountable those who plunder and pillage in the name of personal power is a challenge. Even in the face of sustainability, greed, avarice and ignorance may well continue to prevail. But with or without humanity, our planet Earth will regenerate herself - eventually.

The Vernal Equinox is also the start of the Kalachakra calendar, indicating time to meditate for world peace: peace within, peace without, and peace on the planet.

As always, thanks & appreciation to unknown artists.

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