
Saturday 27 February 2010

♥ ૐ ~ Losar Virgo Full Moon ~ ૐ ♥ Feb 2010

The month of miracles and Losar New Year light blessings, Chotrul Duchen, culminates with Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon, at 16:38 GMT. As one of the four main Buddhist holidays, we celebrate today with practice, and light, flower and food offerings in honor of the fifteen miracles the Buddha performed. We also perform long life prayers for our masters. Karma is multiplied on this special day.

Events around this Moon are also magnified because the Sun in magical Pisces conjoins expansive Jupiter, a combination in which we could surely count our blessings.
I’m sure however, certain people around the world, in Chile, Haiti, Darfur etc, would count themselves lucky if they could even get to read this. Thus we, the Digital Tribe of the love & light working Cyber Sangha, really are the fortunate ones, currently thrice blessed.

Psychic Pisces detects the undulating waves of collective unconscious emotion, and denotes our individual conscious connection to the Divine (through prayer, meditation, music, dance, yoga etc). Our Pisces Sun is now with Jupiter (Pisces’ traditional ruler), representing a philosophical search for life’s meaning – and an extrasensory urge to surrender to infinite cosmic unity that will broaden our understanding of what it means to be blessed.

Our Western grasp of the word ‘blessing’ generally means favoured, worthy of worship, able to passively enjoy heavenly bliss. But in Buddhist teachings the word can have greater value: Not only does it mean we receive the spiritually honed prayers of the compassionate and holy meditation masters (who are natural conduits of the heavens), but we can also actively generate a personal intention to take this unconditional universal blessing and use it as a means of transformation to heal and ameliorate through our own kind thoughts, words and deeds.

By harnessing the power of the received heartfelt vibration – the blessing – we can then add our own love to the collective Metta, Karuna, Agape - And therein lies the miracle: The more we share love, the more LOVE there IS to share.

There is a danger however, of feeling overwhelmed when Piscean energy pervades; when it’s all too easy to turn towards toxic oblivion. Beware that opting for the path of the sleepwalker leads away from truth. Instead, be willing to accept there are some things we have no control over and go with the flow, towards the enlightened peaceful state. Being at one with the unified collective, and inclined towards spiritual service, we generate empathy and bring joy to others. Bare in mind you can’t ‘save’ everyone, lest you become a martyr. When the light of the Pisces Sun is reflected by our beautiful receptive full Virgo Moon, wholesome and pure in a sensible and solid earth sign, we’re offered intellectual integrity through practical service. Virgo underpins the solar-lunar gravitational influence so that visionary altruistic intention blends with right thought and right action; and so we needn’t feel victimised by nebulous fairytales of longing, or ‘lost’ in the Piscean Samsaric sea.

Our third blessing, together with the Sun and Moon, comes from Venus, currently exalted in Pisces. As Queen of the Heavens, she is the planet we normally associate with personal relationships and love. Venus is about to make contact with group-orientated Uranus, also in Pisces, suggesting a change of heart could suddenly be directed from self towards others as quick as a flash, as in the blink of the eye of Brahma. Awareness is the key to riding current change.

For instance, on a personal level I am an intuitive water sign, prone to being super-sensitive, too sensitive sometimes according to my darling husband. But everything I read and see around me at this moment in time points to us all feeling as though something big is happening. I am not alone in sensing the change and development we are now experiencing is of mega importance; how we handle that change will determine the outcome. Both environmentally and economically our collective civilization is struggling, psychologically and physically, on a scale previously unseen, to understand the truth of the matter. But as His Holiness, Dalai Lama says, “We all want to be happy”. Just that one goal unites us; consciously ‘as one’ we can evolve harmoniously so each and every sentient being can thrive in relative freedom. And this is now humanity’s objective.

All of which may seem a lot for one person to take on board. So my advice with this Virgo Moon is to work within everyday capabilities to raise the cosmic love vibration and generate a protective aura. We can do this in simple ways that cost nothing: for instance we can start by blessing the food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, the work we do, the people we meet, and the earth we walk upon.

And seeing as Pisces is also the sign that rules feet AND prayer… Bless each step you take…

On that note: Bless YOU dear friend, with Love and Full Moon light ~ may all beings be happy!

Thanks and credits to for pisces pic, to Karmyn for funky pic of HHDL, and other unknown, but much appreciated photographers.

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