
Saturday 9 January 2010

Building the Framework ~ Solar Eclipse in Capricorn

Whenever we have the sensation that change is afoot, it can be rather disconcerting. Especially if there are no obvious concrete or practical plans regarding the direction a new, but seemingly inevitable development might take? If you can feel an undercurrent of dramatic change, either on a personal or global level, take heart: We are still in eclipse season, and 2010’s first real turning point is about to be revealed. Having ushered in the New Year under the auspices of a partial eclipse of the Full Moon, the second and more decisive solar eclipse (they always come in pairs) is on the 15th January, when Sun and new Moon join forces in the sign of Capricorn, the sign recognised for invested practical effort. This happens the same day that communicative Mercury goes forward, taking the breaks off Capricorn objectives, enabling one to present ideas more clearly.
Capricorn resonates with the karmic law of cause and effect, in much as those born with this sign prominent in the horoscope tend to comprehend that everything said, thought or done, has a knock-on effect: As we sow, so shall we reap; or in modern language: What we put in, we can get out – even against all odds – as long as we do it right. It takes a certain amount of discipline, authority and confidence to develop this kind of deep faith - not just in oneself to achieve, but also that others will appreciate the skill, determination and sheer ambition to accomplish the empirical Capricorn goal. So when the Sun and Moon meet in this sign a potent portal of energy opens, signalling a time to build, stirring big business into action, be it personal, professional or political. Spiritually speaking, this is wonderful time to build a framework for pratice, and give oneself a discipline that will generate the awareness of how to be of greater assistance to humanity (and create positive karma).
It’s worth noting when eclipses happen, which is twice a year, six months apart working on an 18.3 yearly cycle. The next set is in the summer; also in the signs Cancer and Capricorn, suggesting an evolution of instinctual consciousness with combined spiritual awareness. A good rule of thumb, when going through any kind of watershed now, is to think back 18-ish years and see what was happening and evaluate any similar defining moments. Then note how we follow our destiny. A cosmic union of Sun and Moon aligning with Earth creates intense and dramatic turning points in many areas: As an integral part of the alignment, our planet, Earth, also experiences powerful pressure levels, with volcanoes, earthquakes and high tides all quite common during these few weeks. And as we humans are intricately connected to the heavenly lights, Sun and Moon, we are too are subject to similar seismic shifts. During an eclipse it is therefore most important to protect psychically as well as physically, and connect to the holy light of Spirit within. The ability to unite with Spirit could also become easier for many in the early part of this year as beneficial Jupiter, bringer of favourable expansion, moves into Pisces, the sign of spiritual world service, on Monday the 18th.
pic credits: Michael Ash for beautiful Tara hand; Michael Lujan for the extraordinary triple ying-yang gakyl - if anyone knows where the other hands come from please forward. xl


  1. Hi Lora! Richard here. GIRL! You are SO right on! I sent your blogs previously, when they came out...and resent them tonight. lol! dear mkha' 'gro ma...wtg! heh got it 'bad'! Keep on keepin' on! ( ...what candle? Blessings dear Lady of the Sky!

  2. Thanks Richard! Your kind encouragement is very much appreciated.

    Thanks too for the deity video clip. Interesting timing you have: I've been in retreat this past month in the Dakini land of the three Om's (which is why I haven't been online), where our friendly Dharma protector was a very helpful companion!

    Kechara blessings of love and light to you.
