
Wednesday 7 October 2009

Celebrating a man of Peace ~ Sun in Libra (Aries Full Moon & Mercury direct 09)

This note is in honour of the anniversary of the birth of one of the planets' great men of peace on October 2nd, that of Mahatma Gandhi. His maxim “Be the change you want to see in the world” is also a very popular quote these days. Rightly so; for each and every one of has the personal responsibility to alter – and improve – our lives, and those of others around us, and therefore shape our own (collective) destiny. How do we do that? By changing the way we perceive our selves, our relationships and our position in the world we alter the way we react. I appreciate this may sound easier said than done. But in seeing all the good around us, the kindness and love that we give and receive - and are grateful for - it enables us to generate a feelgood factor that in turn makes problem solving much easier. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” To all extents and purposes it seems many of us have recently been through the opposite of this, bumbling best we can through a time of soul searching, seeking new ways of looking at the world and new ways to change our approach to problems so that our needs get met, if not our wants. Yet the times now call for material consolidation and practical advancement. It’s not always easy to be realistic and assess and go ahead with what works and leave behind what doesn’t.

“In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.” Truth is now found through being expansive in community and spiritual associations, where the dream of a positive future can manifest with the support of kindred spirits.

Celestially speaking, October looks more promising than last month to implement changes that have a lasting quality, as Mercury, planet of the mind, ideas and commerce moved into direct motion to go back over the late degrees of Virgo before re-entering peace-loving Libra October 10th. A quick recap of this Mercury retrograde when our healing brother conjoined Saturn (and the two are still performing together to will be exact on 8th October for the 3rd time) and oppose Uranus and square to Pluto (also for the third time). The responsible kind of transformation we seek could pick up momentum over Sunday’s full Aries moon, when quicksilver Mercury again opposes Uranus, planet of innovation and sudden insight; and Mars, ruler of Aries, also makes a daring dash to revolutionise with Uranus. All in all, these next few weeks are instrumental for pointing long term plans in a direction we would like them to move. The spirit of the Sun in sign of balance and love, Libra, radiates with the action orientated Aries Full Moon to remind that when we come from the heart, and keep the benefit of others in mind, there is every chance developments will conform to our wishes. Bearing in mind one last Gandhi quote, “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

FYI Mahatma Gandhi born October 2, 1869 at 7:12 AM in Porbandar (India) with Libra Sun & Asc, with a prominant and insightful Mercury in Scorpio on his Ascendant.

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