
Thursday 20 August 2009

Discovering an inexhaustable treasury at the Leo New Moon '09

The very heart of our enlightened mind awakens with this new Leo moon. A worthy altruistic intention, called “Bodhicitta” in Sanskrit, is a precious natural essence generated by developing compassion, wishing that all beings be happy – including ones’ self – and have the causes of happiness. And as Sun and Moon align in this joyful, most determined and heartfelt sign of Leo, (also ruled by the Sun) it is a celestial union that adds light, dynamism, and inner-strength to help us radiate genuine unconditional love.

With the luminaries (the sun & moon) bringing into line the opposing triple Aquarian conjunction, that of beneficent Jupiter, healing Chiron, and imaginative Neptune, exploring individual space and being comfortable within a collective environment, be it at work or play, within a group activity or the global cyber community, brings about an awareness of equanimity that encourages one to be at ease within our inexhaustible treasury of generosity. Now is the time when the power of love feeds the creative Spirit and engenders untold miracles. And besides, it's also a great time to have some fun and party!

Shantideva, Tibet’s 8th Century scholar praised Bodhicitta such:

“It is the supreme Elixir
That overcomes the sovereignty of death.
It is the inexhaustible treasure
That eliminates poverty in the world.
It is the supreme medicine
That quells the world’s disease.
It is the tree that shelters all beings
Wandering and tired on the path of conditioned existence.
It is the universal bridge
That leads to freedom from unhappy states of birth.
It is the dawning moon of the mind
That dispels the torment of disturbing conceptions.
It is the great sun that finally removes
The misty ignorance of the world.”

Wishing happiness & love to everyone at the New Leo Moon! Enjoy X
BIG thanks to Sogyal Rinpoche, and the Tibetan Book of Living & Dying.


  1. Unfortunately I'm the rare leo with "self" issues. i need help and guidance to overcome these feelings i have. can you help me please..

  2. We all have a Sun with 'self' issues, some more than others :) Would you like a consulation? If so, email me:
