
Wednesday 22 April 2009

The Dharma of Capitalism

Cosmic love courses steadily towards critical spiritual mass with a waning Moon, Venus, Mars & Uranus, all in the last degrees of mutable Pisces: Now is the time to make an evolutionary leap in understanding the wisdom of compassion, as the path of the Spiritual Warrior beckons. Yet to reach this highly realised state while these planets are in hard aspect to Pluto, planet of total transformation, the familiar and material kind of comfort zone we might be used to may not even exist any more; so there’s a potential to feel lost, fearful and nervous of what might lie ahead and make a drama out of a crisis – especially in the face of other people’s pessimism. Change by its very nature challenges us to rethink, plan, and still make adjustments along the way. In these extraordinary times the impetus for change generates a variety of reactions from all sides. Without warning lovers, friends, and even the stranger on the street can swing in an instant from friendly to hostile and back again; so it is more important than ever to calm the neurotic mind and allow the wisdom that comes from the heart to shine through. By not getting attached to negative emotions, such as anger, jealousy or resentment, it means our personal self-esteem also gets a boost.

A new moon in Taurus on Saturday the 25th accents more solid values; and giving all that we cherish some kind of makeover has certain rewards. There is nothing to fear in letting go of outmoded ways of being to make way for the new. For instance, instead of perpetuating unhelpful thoughts, begin to praise everyone (including yourself) for talents and abilities and affirm everyone’s self-confidence. Note: Value yourself and others will too. (Needless to say, this does not apply to overbearing egos!) Finances and personal relationships could also soon start to look up, which would, no doubt, be the kind of change we will all welcome.

This also came through the wires, which I thought I would share being very timely as the Sun shines its light passing through Taurus, the zodiacal bank:

“The Dharma of Capitalism” in the Wall Street Journal…

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