
Monday 26 January 2009

Earth Ox Solar Eclipse

Planet Earth is currently in the midst of a massive wake-up call. The coming changes could revolutionise humanity in so many ways – for the better. Today’s new moon, heralding the Chinese Year of the Earth Ox, is rather special as it suggests we think big, stay positive, and set destiny on its’ course. It is also a solar eclipse, a time when the conscious and the unconscious can work together to create a potent harmonising of self in relation to others. Remarkable insights and ideas can now suddenly come from nowhere. Making time for a moment of mediation will help to clarity the creative vision and empower us to achieve our goals.

To dream and fashion ideas won’t be enough during this lunar month as the impetus is to also activate and concretise. Wishes can come true and hopes can be realised. A little help from influential friends enables us to overcome obstacles and remain focused should detours be necessary. Success as well as perceived failure can now be used creatively, by showing others what we are made of, and how we learn from the consequences of our actions. There is a cosmic catch to being truly triumphant however; for whatever we do must be done for the greater good of all. Personal glory is assured (Leos will be pleased to hear!) from any project or plan as long as it is accompanied by an altruistic intention, and not just to line one’s own pockets. Note Mercury goes forward on 2nd February, and contracts will still need to be reviewed until then. .

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